You just need to find the diamonds in the rough.
Yep. You read that right. Forever 21. I know, I know, shopping can be really hit or miss with many of these fast fashion stores. Trust me, there’s been plenty of times where I thought I’d found the cutest top ever, (only 5.00? heck yes!) only to find out, after washing it, that it wouldn’t even fit Kennedy’s old Barbie doll.
However, if you really look, there are some hidden gems in Forever 21. You just gotta find em. I have some staple pieces in my closet from Forever 21 that have not only stood the test of time, but also look like high quality, designer pieces.
The backstory: Looking like a million bucks, when I didn’t have a single buck.
I fell in love with this store right after I had Kennedy. (at the age of 21, ironically) I didn’t want to leave her when it was time for me to return to work, so I quit my job and worked as a nanny to my nieces who lived over an hour away, in a much larger city. A city that had all kinds of stores that I had never known. A city that had sushi in it’s grocery stores and a little man cutting blocks of cheese in the produce section. No Foodland’s or Piggly Wiggly’s to be found. I couldn’t wait to explore.
Almost every week, the three girls and I would get out of the house for a few hours. Usually, we would go get groceries and go to the park, but sometimes, we would go to the mammoth-sized mall that was near their house. I was in heaven. We always had so much fun just being together. Although I had almost zero money to spare, when I walked into Forever 21 I felt like I was ballin’ and shot callin’. Everything was so affordable yet trendy. I loved it.
My latest Forever 21 finds:
These days, I still love a good Forever 21 haul. Although I’ve cut back on the crop tops, I do love a good graphic tee from the men’s section. Below are some pieces that I purchased during my latest order while saving 20 percent with an online coupon code.

Below are links to everything I purchased:
- Cheetah Boots
- Palazzolo Pants
- Pocket Tee
- Paperbag Pants
- Dolman Sleeve Cardigan
- High Waisted Leggings
- Kyoto Sneakers
- Pink Floyd Graphic Tee
- TLC Graphic Tee
- Westwood Mom Jeans
Although times have changed, I still have a soft spot in my heart for Forever 21. I’ll pass on the Lululemon. Let me get those 3.99 black leggings.
Love ya’ll.
Kayla Faith