Can you microblade your own brows?
You can totally microblade your eyebrows yourself, at home! (At your own risk.) The video microblading tutorial is at the end of this post.
I’m so glad that natural-looking brows are back! Like most people who were in middle/ high school in the early 2000s, I over-plucked my brows. A LOT. I had a pair of tweezers in my makeup bag to get after any rogue hairs that dare sprouted beyond the skinny rainbow shape that was my brow.
Because of all of that plucking, I feel like growing my brows out has been quite a challenge, but my brows look better than ever now that I DIY microblade them. Keep reading to learn how I microblade my eyebrows at home.
If you’ve never heard of microbladed eyebrows, you can read more here.
This post probably contains affiliate links. However, I would not recommend anything I wouldn’t use myself. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Read full disclosure here.
Will microblading hurt? How long does it last?
These are the questions I asked myself.
Back in February, when I first decided to microblade my brows, I was taking a month-long hiatus from makeup as a challenge to myself. I went a whole month with nary a drop of foundation or concealer touching my skin. No blush, powder, NOTHING. Except…I had to fill in my brows. I felt like I just looked a little too unpolished without them.
I researched all of the microblading tutorials I could.
So, being the DIY’er that I am, I decided to try it myself. Microblading is semi-permanent, so I wasn’t too worried about it. I knew that I was only going to make a few strokes the first time, so I thought I’d be okay. I scoured reviews on Amazon to find the best microblading products. Here are the exact items I used:
How to microblade, step-by-step
- I watched several Youtube videos of people getting their eyebrows microbladed. I noticed how the person doing the microblading held the skin taut at three points, and never crossed their strokes.
- I googled an eyebrow pattern that I liked and planned to mimic the strokes. Then I applied my numbing cream for 20 minutes.
- I wiped off the numbing cream and used alcohol to thoroughly clean my brows.
- I created an outline around each brow with a brow pencil. I used my measuring tool to make sure everything was even. One of my brows is naturally higher than the other, so I moved the outline for both of them. (This helps ensure that they are even.)
- I started with just a few upward strokes at the beginning of my brow, then gradually turned them sideways as I neared the tail. I dipped my pen in the pigment with each stroke.
- When I was finished with all of my strokes, I applied a “pigment mask” to my whole brow, then wiped it off.
Shop Microblading Products I Recommend:
I love my microblaed brows more than ever!
When I was finished, I couldn’t believe my eyes. My brows looked so much better. Even though they were red, I could tell I was going to love them. I applied Aquafor to them and didn’t wash them for a few days. This pic is from the first time I microbladed my brows at home:

I absolutely love them! Having my brows done makes me feel way more put together without makeup. As you can see from the picture above, I only made a few stokes. I’ve touched them up about 3 times since, and they just keep getting better! Let me know if you guys have any questions about anything. If you decide to do this at home, please do so at your own risk.
Related: Chemical Peel at Home
Microblading Procedure Before and After.
Thanks for reading!
Kayla Faith
Instagram: kaylafaith1010