8 Reasons Your Hair Isn’t Growing + My Healthy Hair Routine and Tips
How can you get your hair to grow long and thick?
How can I make my hair grow faster? What actually helps hair growth? How can I grow my hair faster in a week? A month? If you have these questions and want to know the reasons why your hair isn’t growing, then you came to the right place. Not only that, but I’ll also share my healthy hair routine and tips for healthy hair with you, so you too can have long hair akin to that of a majestic lion.
If you’ve known me for a while, you know that for the past few years I’ve had long, thick hair. This is the longest it’s ever been! However, it hasn’t always been that way. There was a time, (2 times in particular) when I tried to grow my hair out, but it just seemed to stop growing when it hit a certain point past my shoulders. Even then, it just seemed so… well…scraggly.

Because of this, I searched everywhere for solutions- from my hairstylist to the internet, to anyone I saw in public with long, luxurious locks. So, I cut my hair to my chin and decided to start over- and I got my hair to grow back out FAST and healthier than ever. As a result, I want to share the reasons why your hair isn’t growing and the products you need in your healthy hair routine.
Buckle up. This may be a long one.
5 Reasons Why Your Hair Isn’t Growing
1. Nutrition
Look, I’m no doctor here, but I think it’s safe to say that if your hair isn’t growing, then you might wanna explore a nutrition imbalance as at least one source of the problem. Especially if you’re losing hair. I lost hair postpartum by the handfuls, thanks to an iron deficiency. That’s when I started taking this multivitamin, which transformed my hair and my life, and I can’t believe how much better I feel after taking a good multivitamin.
Now, let’s say that you are pretty positive you aren’t deficient in anything, but your hair just won’t grow past a certain point. HERE IS WHAT YOU NEED TO MAKE YOUR HAIR GROW WHERE NO HAIR HAS GROWN BEFORE: BIOTIN.
I guarantee you that it will make a difference. Just know that it takes about 3 months before it works, and then BOOM. Your hair will have a massive growth spurt. (Which does kinda suck if you color your hair, like me- but hey- the dark roots are worth it for those inches.)
I have turned my both my best friend and boyfriend (believe it or not, biotin works for his beard) into huge believers in biotin. We love this one because it is inexpensive, and it WORKS big time.
Related: Best Vitamins and Supplements for Women

2. Products
Are the products you are using drying out your hair?
Look at the products you are using. If you can see through your shampoo, that may mean it is gonna be too clarifying to use every day. Also, stay away from sulfates, which can strip hair of moisture. Let me tell you- moisture is going to be absolutely essential for healthy hair.
What products are best for hair growth?
On Sunday, I’ll wash my hair with this set. I put the cream in on Friday and let it sit until Sunday. As a result, it repairs the bonds within the hair and it truly lives up to the hype. A little goes a long way, and I’ve been through several bottles of this stuff already. I love it. I talk more in-depth about it here. I like to rotate between that and this shampoo and conditioner when I’m not doing some special hair treatment or purple shampoo; however, you will also need a protein-packed deep conditioner like this one to use by-weekly.
Speaking of protein, hair is made up of a protein called keratin, so putting some protein back into the hair will make it strong, but too much will over proteinize the hair and make it brittle. You don’t want those problems.
Keep volumizing products to a minimum.
Any products you use for volume, aka hairspray, gel, root lifter and ESPECIALLY dry shampoo need to be kept to a minimum. I’m talking, maybe once or twice a month. You need to find styles that don’t need product or heat. (French braids or a sleek ponytail are my go-to)
3. Moisture
I’ve said it once and I’ll say it louder for the people in the back. Moisture is key for healthy hair. No matter what your hair type, you DO NOT need to wash your hair every day. Just don’t supplement with dry shampoo. That will defeat the purpose. I only wash mine once a week, then I comb some olive oil, or coconut oil (this is what I use) though my hair whenever I can. If you are worried about it looking dirty, you could do this over the weekend.
4. Damage
It could be that your hair is growing but the ends are breaking off before it gets to the length you want. Damage could be from over-processing the hair, chemicals in hair products, or simply from the way you handle your hair. Ponytail holders = breakage. To prevent this, I twist my hair up in this big ol’ clip when I’m hanging out around the house.
In addition to ponytails and chemicals, heat is a huge damage factor. Let your hair air dry when possible. If you must blow-dry your hair, use a heat protectant. I’ve been using this one for years. Also, think about investing in a good blow dryer. This one is affordable and releases argan oil into the hair when you use it. I’ve heard nothing but great things about it and it has over 1,000 five-star reviews on Amazon. Instead of curling my hair with a curling iron, I use this no-heat method when I can. Check it out on my IGTV.
As ironic as it sounds, trims are necessary for growing out your hair long and healthy. Plus, it keeps damage- especially split ends- at bay. I usually just let my mama barely dust my ends from time to time, instead of going to the salon so often.
5. Circulation
Okay, this might sound weird to some of ya’ll, but circulation in the scalp is proven to increase hair thickness and growth. You can read about the study here but all you really need to know is that it works. Try using a brush with stiff bristles like this one, focus on pressing firmly on the scalp as you brush. Not only does it improve circulation, but it also distributes hairs natural oil from root to tip.

Let me know if any of these healthy hair products and tips work for you, or if you have any questions! Thanks for stopping by!

This post probably contains affiliate links, however I wouldn’t recommend anything I didn’t truly love. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
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Can’t wait to try some of these tips!
Thanks for stopping by!
Hi it’s Brenda from RubyHemMinistries.com I try to work on all these things with my hair but my body’s health issues seem to still work against me lol
I know what you mean. Unfortunately, sometimes there’s only so much you can do. My sister has lupus, so no matter how well she cares for her hair, she still loses some.
Love these tips! I recently started taking a multivitamin and it is definitely life-changing!
Erika Marie | https://imerikamarie.com
Super life-changing! I can’t go a day without taking my multivitamin!
Great tips! I will try coconut oil next time!
Thank you for sharing these tips! I find my hair grows to a certain point & then it stops! I look forward to trying out your tips 🙂
Yes! You will love it!
I have been having a problem with breakage so I took advantage of the quarantine to start using a protective hairstyle, two braids. I only wash my hair once a week but it still gets a little damp from my showers, so I started apply coconut oil to my hair each day and then putting it into 2 braids. The result was that by the time my hair dried, my ends no longer felt fried but soft and looked shiny for the first time since college! And even better, my hair started growing! I am going to try taking biotin again and some of your other tips though because it still does not have the fullness it used to and that’s concerning. Thank you for sharing these tips! I look forward to keep the hair restoration going. 🙂
I have been keeping my hair in braids too! I think it’s easier to keep it from breaking that way, because I’m not constantly styling it and washing it. Thanks for reading!